Cross-Category Innovation, Acupuncture for Pets
It is a cornerstone of Chinese traditional medicine, based on the belief that illnesses are caused by imbalances in the 'yin' and 'yang'...
How consumer insights lead to new Fanta pack design
Everyone knows someone who likes to bend the rules a bit. Someone who is told to do something one way, but immediately asks "Why?"....
China exporting culture as economy grows
When Goliaths pretend to play as Davids
In late 2015, Chandler Jurinka realized someone was spying on his beer taps. Jurinka and a partner own Slow Boat Brewery, a Beijing...
Marketers continue to take on the top job
Balancing act of naming in China
Coke's Failed White Can, and How Packaging Actually Affects the Taste of Food
Charles Spence probably isn't a familiar name to anyone outside the field of multisensory integration, but his experiments with food—most...
How the Mad Men lost the plot
Even admen have souls, and some of them are enduring dark nights. Jeff Goodby is co-chairman of Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, a San...
To Innovate Better, Find Divergent Thinkers "Often the best ideas come from “analogous fields."...
Why Some Teams are Smarter than Others